Privacy policy

Our Promise
SensationO respects your privacy and promises to go above and beyond to keep your trust. All information provided to SensationO is maintained in accordance with our Privacy Policy and will not be used in ways that are contrary to that policy.

All sales information is kept confidential. We DO NOT sell or distribute this information in any form to 3rd parties.

Use Of Information
Information collected by SensationO about its users is used internally by authorized employees of SensationO for three main purposes:
  • Firstly, we collect information to determine which areas, features, and products our users like the most and find most helpful, so we can continue to improve the site.
  • Second, we collect information in order to personalize the site for our users.
  • Finally, we collect information to enable our users to participate in sweepstakes, contests, services, and other activities on our site.
Cookies & IP Addresses
- At times, SensationO website will send your computer a "cookie" which is a small data file that's stored on your hard drive. Cookies are used to give you better, more personalized service once you've bought something from us or become a member of our Loyalty program. This information is for internal use only and is not made available to any third parties. Some web browsers allow the option of blocking cookies if you prefer, however this may cause some sections of the website to not function properly.
IP Address Tracking
Computers and servers on the Internet use IP addresses to recognize and communicate with each other. Collecting IP addresses allows us to administer and analyze our site and report traffic information. When you call up a SensationO page on your computer, SensationO servers enter the IP address of that computer into a log. We do not, and cannot, use cookies or IP address tracking to retrieve personal information from your computer.
Online Contests
Periodically, SensationO will host contests, which will require the submission of your name and contact information. Because the rules and terms of each contest can vary, all information about the contest is posted during the event, and those disclosures shall override anything to the contrary in this policy.
General Security
SensationO uses the latest encryption technologies and rigorous password protections to ensure the security of your user ID, password, and personal information. Your information is only viewed by authorized staff members, and cannot be accessed by any other staff members, or any third parties.
Policy Changes
SensationO reserves the right to modify this Policy at any time, and such modifications are effective upon posting of the modified Policy. Accordingly, you agree to review the policy periodically, and your continued access or use of this site shall be deemed your acceptance of the modified agreement.
Contact SensationO
If you have any questions or concerns regarding out Privacy Policy, please contact us by email at [email protected]
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